Saturday, February 23, 2008

Second Letter

We got another letter today from the birth mom. Bless her heart. She is still at the Youth Opportunity Center. I think she will be allowed to go home before the baby is due. She writes:
Dear Michelle,
Hello! I am feeling better and I'm glad because being sick like that kills me! (she had a bad cold, etc.) I'm sorry you're sick. I probably got you sick at the doctor's office. (She didn't! lol) Thank you so much for coming. It's good to know I have people that care and want this child the way you and your husband do. My next DR's appointment is March 6.
That's nice that your family is excited. I'm not really excited about giving my baby away but giving it to people like you and Fred is exciting because I know you guys are good people. You're welcome, I am more than glad to give her to you guys. I was kind of iffy about it at first because she's mixed and I didn't know you would want her still. Well, I hope you feel better! Thank you so much for the things on Valentine's Day. I loved it so much. My doggy is on my bed and my card is sitting up on my dresser at home because we're not allowed to have things on our dressers here. Well got to go. XOXO-Meranda and baby!