Tuesday, May 05, 2009

I want less guilt

“We are all something, but none of us are everything.”

Blaise Pascal, 1623-1662
French mathematician and religious philosopher

I so needed to read that quote today. I'm struggling with trying to be everything that I need to be, or think I should be. I need to remember that I can't do it all.

Mothering is hard work! My 10 month old is very, very busy.

My house is a mess and when I do get something cleaned up, Little Miss Ry undoes it right under my nose! lol

I wish I had a dollar for every time someone has told me, "Don't worry about your house...it'll be there when Ryleigh is grown up."

I understand that, but I can't live in a sty! The one thing my husband LOVES is a clean house and I know I am letting him down. He helps so much around here, but he works all day too.

I can't even remember the last time I cooked dinner. Truly.

I tried to put the gallon of milk in the cabinet above the stove the other day. Last night, I opened the microwave, looking for something that is in the cabinet above. I mean, did I really think I stored cans of soup in the microwave??

Two night ago, I stood in the kitchen/garage doorway and couldn't understand why the garage door wasn't closing while I pressed the the keychain button that unlocks my car doors. Sigh.

I could go on and on about all the things I'm doing that make no sense.

Part of my problem is that I don't feel well. My 38 year old body has way too much pain. I'm having a hysterectomy May 18, so that should eliminate some of my pain.

I still have the degenerating spine and arthritis in my spine that is oh so painful.

Last night, my husband was sick in bed, Ry would not go to bed... blah blah blah. It was after 10 PM when she went to bed. I went to the living and sat in the recliner with a big sigh. The instant I sat down, Snoopy, our black lab, comes over and roots under my legs, wanting rubbed and scratched and companionship and all I could think was "Can't somebody just not need me for 5 minutes!?"

Are there really moms out there who can do it all? What are the secrets to having a clean house, dinner on the table every night and less guilt?


Anonymous said...

Oh my I remember those days and nooooo you can not do it all. I guess the best thing to do is just enjoy this time with your baby girl because before you know it she will be in school. And you will think where did my baby go. The housework will wait dinner... well you guys will eat LOL.
And it does get easier. So just stop with the guilt your doing just fine. And most of all ENJOY!!!! Love Lydia